Northern Rock Foundation

North East Dementia Alliance

The North East Dementia Alliance is a partnership of health, social care, voluntary and private sector organisations.

Northern Rock Foundation was a member of the Alliance.

Meeting the spiritual needs of people with dementia

Dementia Friendly Resource 2014

Support and Care for People Living with Dementia from Minority Communities

Support and Care for people living with Dementia from Minority Communities - Final Report Feb 2013

Knowing the Foundations of Dementia Friendly Communities for the North East

Dementia Friendly Communities Final Report Sep 2012

Dementia Friendly Communities

The North East Dementia Alliance is helping communities in the North East to become dementia friendly.

Joining the Dots

‘Joining the Dots’ were two half-day conferences held on the 3rd and 4th of December 2012. They brought together people from across the north east to discuss how to develop Dementia Friendly Communities across the region.

This document summarises the main discussions and presentations that took place.